Round Rankings

Position Player Diff. coins
1 Skylimit 38
capelca2012 38
3 gread 37
Somentus 37
5 Leonardo_Alvarez 35
6 heyy 30
7 stox 21
8 DonaldShimoda 16
tpm123 16
10 gredo 15
TheBaggageClaim 15
12 rabskatran 14
13 Pieper 13
14 tijn 12
ZeLiiX 12
smeagon 12
Huehnerhaus 12
18 Wouter 10
19 Merchanty 9
20 Zonnebloem28 6
21 COE 5
22 MHD1378 3
Tycoon Master 3
24 Blitz 2

Game statistics

Number of transactions 1,263
Number of active players
(2 different coins or more)
Total number of players 2,580
Players online 2
  • Skylimit 0
  • heyy 0

Hall of Fame

Position Player Rounds won
1 FireWire 8
Duin 8
3 The King 2 7
4 LittleMuppet 6
5 arkhan 5
6 Leonardo_Alvarez 4
7 GreenSmoker 3
locotazz 3
9 Technix 2
FakeAccount 2
YenMatthijs 2
Merchanty 2
capelca 2
dara 2
Bleech 2
marie 2
tijn 2
peco 2
gread 2
molem 2
21 ruggeur 1
A Lontra 1
Susan 1
Sura 1
heyy 1
MgcYugs 1
twexx 1
TheBlueClan 1
ZeLiiX 1
Pieper 1
The mayor 1
FietsTubbie 1
Theondrus 1
lollig 1
podje 1
Skylimit 1
Somentus 1
camivora 1
Xagon 1
stox 1
sweet 1
quom 1
joep eerlijk 1
marcomeppel 1
roel 1
Lunkan 1
Towerpower 1
R2D2 1
Rednax 1
greed 1
bonanza 1
dabonett 1
Seb 1
Switzisch 1
smeagon 1
Huehnerhaus 1